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The first meeting of the new Aktion Club called “The Community Aktion Club of West Cuyahoga County” was held Wednesday, October 13, 2021. The Club, sponsored by the Berea Kiwanis, had the meeting at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Berea, OH.
There were 31 people present including 9 members from the former Westlake Aktion Club, Richard Brulotte, Ohio District Aktion Cub Administrator, Vic Rutkoski, Westlake Aktion Club Advisor, Sherri Phelps and Jeanne Haas, Berea Aktion Club Advisors, Barb Haskin and Peggi McGregor, Berea Kiwanians and various parents, caregivers and other guests including one potential new member.
President Jennifer Rutkoski started the meeting with all the usual formalities. Secretary Meghan Drops read the minutes of the September 8th meeting and Treasurer Elizabeth Mulhan read the current treasurer’s report.
President Jennifer went over the old business which involved volunteering at Kiwanis Day at Coe Lake and attending the Berea Kiwanis 100th Anniversary Dinner.
President Jennifer then turned the meeting over to Advisor Sherri Phelps from the Berea Kiwanis for the remainder of the meeting.
Sherri laid out what our new club should be like. First, we need to create at least four committees, Fundraising, Service Project, Communications and Membership. It was decided that Mike Sigmund would be the Fundraising Chairman. All the other Chairs are still open so we need volunteers for those positions.
We need to have a Communications Committee because we need to communicate to be a successful club. How will we communicate, by flyers, text, email, Facebook. web page or by all of them. We need to develop a phone tree. So bring your ideas to an advisor or President Jennifer.
We need a membership Chairman who can help us find new members. We really need for members to bring in their friends so we can build our club.
We want to get new tee shirts for our club and a general discussion was held without any decision being made. We discussed type v-neck or crew neck. No decision on color although blue and gold was suggested.
We want to have a sponsorship party and hopefully we can have one by January. Possibly a dinner or a potluck.
Sherri hopes to have an event calendar for Aktion Club possibly combined into the Berea Kiwanis calendar.
Our next meeting will be on November 10th so bring your ideas with you.